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Why and how does RELECURA stand out?

May 17, 2022

By Alex Paikada

The changing milieu

With innovations and inventions becoming the pacesetter of development right across the world, IPR and IP analytics have come to the center stage of the innovation ecosystem. The IP database is growing day by day and many more countries, especially in Asia and America are emerging as the new nerve centers of the technological revolution. Thus, data analysis and analytics pertaining to IPR have become more complex, vast, and unwieldy for manual operations. Fortunately, AI/ML-powered data mining and data analytics have taken over the area in recent years. Depending upon the dedicated research invested in this area, the efficacy and accuracy of the results vary from service provider to service provider.

Different folks, different strokes

There is a plethora of products out there to carry out prior art searches and analytics. Some of them are free as well. Relecura is one of the pioneers in the field to design special-purpose tools to serve different client bases. In fact, the requirements, and concerns of different segments of the stakeholders are different. How does Relecura stand out from the rest?

1.    Relecura offers tools customized to different users and use cases. There are tools for

a.    researchers to explore a technical topic and identify the potential use of their work,

b.    inventors to input a paragraph of text describing an invention to identify related inventions,

c.     patent attorneys to quickly understand inventions and get potential prior-art fast,

d.    IP managers to automate the categorization of new publications into categories of their interest,

e.    patent portfolio managers to automatically organize their portfolios, identify technology gaps, learn competitive trends, and

f.      IP commercialization managers to identify potential licensees of their IP

2.    Users do not need to be an expert on the use of complex IP tools to get insights on technologies or intellectual property. Relecura uses AI and natural language processing to automate the processes. When IPR becomes an integral part of the technocentric economies, pertaining data mining and analyses for studied decision making become a prerequisite. The tools are so designed that all stakeholders, irrespective of the technical expertise they are privy to, can fruitfully use the tools.

3.    Relecura provides features for users to freely share insights with their colleagues or clients without needing the recipient to be a customer of Relecura. Relecura works towards democratizing insights on technology and IP. The results extracted on the platform can be downloaded, saved, or shared as the case be. So, all the concerned parties in the decision-making body would have access to the data and insightful indicators.

4.    Relecura is the pioneer in using the latest advancements in AI and NLP to automate IP workflows as substantiated through field experiments by a Fortune 50 company. It has introduced many industry-first products from which others have taken the cue. The specific functionalities of the tools serve specific needs of the userbase, helping to save manhours and preempt omissions and lapses that plague manual searches and analyses.

5.    Relecura provides flexible subscription packages and is the only company providing a subscription to IP tools on a SaaS model. Some of the users may not have continuous work and they need to take recourse to such advanced tools intermittently. So, the subscription package is very flexible to suit the internal imperatives of the user. There are provisions for hourly, monthly, quarterly, and annual subscription or even more. The small players can avail of the tools, or a specific tool, when and where there is sufficient workload.


The proof of the pudding is indeed in the eating. All stakeholders across the globe are welcome to try out the tools and experience the difference. Trial access, demo, or both could be offered to get a feel of the tools on the menu. Reports autogenerated on TechTracker covering rarified technical areas and organizations are insightful and helpful in taking foolproof policy decisions. Do contact us for more details and support at

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